Archive for 9월 2012

Project 002- Large Scale landscape graphics and Motion

2012년 9월 23일 일요일 § 0

*Graffiti coloring book on building walls.

Graffiti, fundamentally being vandalism, should be painted with a real spray can not with a digital spray. The idea is to project the outline similar to a coloring book on the wall. So this itself is not vandalism, it just encourages people to commit vandalism. Simple setup of one projector and several spray cans.

Project 001- Design for transmission (for bicycle communication)

§ 0

I made some signals for a more specific situation rather than just common daily life.
The reason I chose bicycle riding is that this situation has more need to use signals.
Because the rider can't type any messages.
The basic setup of this signal system is one iPhone on the front and one iPad on the rear of the bike.
And the iPad's signal is controlled by the iPhone via bluetooth.

Project 001- Design for transmission

2012년 9월 9일 일요일 § 0

I did a research about the korean traditional kite also known as the bangpae youn. bangepae means shield in korean. The rectangular korean shield kite is made from five bamboo sticks and that makes 8 partitions. 4 above and 4 bottom. It uses the partitions to make variations of symbols.
But I wanted to find a more simple way of delivering messages and I did a research about the military map symbols used in the korean war.

The symbols mainly used dots, lines, crosses and circles. But from a far distance(100m~), the thin lines and crosses may not be seen. So I narrowed the components to colored dots and colored shapes. To make it more visible the symbol must be a contrast color like black/white, black/yellow, white/red. But the modern city has many black and white parts. So I choose colors red, green and white for the symbol system. Because the purpose of this symbol is a day to day urban communication use. And addition to this I wanted to included time to the symbol system. the analogue symbol is only a still image but if the symbol is used in a iPad or other digital devices, it could add movement(animation).  But for the simple and fast communication, I think it is good to loop 2 still images. 

I tried to make my own basic communication list.

- yes
- no
- come
- stop
- hello
- goodbye
- sorry
- thank you
- wait
- help
- danger

And simplified the symbol using only dots and squares.

The last two(help,danger) are a looping two image symbol. because it is urgent and needs to catch the eye quickly.

Media Environment Design Studio 2

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