Ideas for Project

2012년 10월 21일 일요일 § 0

I have two ideas for the project.

first, is about visualizing the stream of consciousness. Making a map of the randomness of storytelling. Using the approach from the hip hop culture's freestyle rap. Because freestyle rap has randomness to it's narrative and structure, it could be a great form for showing the unconsciousness of the human mind. I will film the city walking in a first person point of view. And find out how random elements in the city (cars, street, people, weather, buildings) effect the stream of consciousness, and how this turns out and makes a storyline. Rather than the traditional storytelling approach (written with consciousness), the stream of consciousness approach (freestyle with unconsciousness) might be a more creative solution to the formalized modern storytelling.
(inspired by the footage from 'freestyle the art of rhyme' documentary).
The final video might be an urban background video with words and lines linked together like a web. making a patterned layout.

link for reference video (the roots freestyling)
link for reference video (about freestyle rap's nature)

second, visualizing the structure of rap music. (focusing on the vocal part not the instrumental part)
Rap has various elements and these make a particular order and pattern. Unlike written dialogs or poems, rap has a rhythm and accent which gives the sentence life and eventually making a whole different feeling to it.

The rap elements are,

-rhymes(perfect, assonance,...)
-rhyme schemes(meaning patterns or arrangement)

From listening to Eluard Burt's interview from the documentary, I think rap can be a form of communication through the rhythm of speaking rather than the communication by the meaning.

link for reference video (about rhythm of speaking)

And the title is : Poetree

A virtual tree growing it's part differently as different raps(rhyme patterns) are made.
The final video might be series of trees with the same elements but different arrangements.

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